Our Story 

The BeyondQA Story

Quality assessment is one of the many challenges for contact centers that is often overwhelming. Our leadership team started scoring customer interactions and generating reports for clients 15 years ago. But QA assessment was a leading cause of concern. With over 100 years of combined experience of a team of senior executives in this field, the company recognized that their current system was inefficient and outdated.

They soon realized that there was a need to find a way to accelerate operations and provide better results to clients. After in-depth research and consideration, they built a cloud-based scoring platform to revolutionize their approach. Strategically, the company spent months developing and refining the new system. They aimed to create an advanced platform to provide greater efficiencies, reduce costs, save time, and help call center agents improve performance, NPS scores, and first-call resolution. Thus, BeyondQA was born!

Turning Idea into Reality

A platform with superior features, cloud-enabled, and advanced analytics was ready to perform. BeyondQA was implemented across their contact centers, and they received staggering results. Call center agents has access to real-time scoring information, which enabled them to make prompt adjustments and improve customer interactions. The platform also allowed companies to generate reports much faster than before. This was a massive win for clients who could receive important recommendations and insights quickly.

The Result
With that, the BPO could improve the first resolution call and NPS calls significantly. Thrilling results and happy clients contributed to the growing standards and reputation of the company. The most significant benefit of this advanced cloud-based scoring platform was the increased efficiency and cost savings. It reduced the overall expenses of businesses while providing superior results.

Over the next few years, the leadership team invested in continuous innovation and refined the cloud-based platform. New capabilities and features were added to improve operations and provide greater value to clients. We strive to work tirelessly to provide excellent services and improve operations to help customers succeed. Building a cloud-based scoring platform was one of the best decisions that became a game-changer. It improved performance and ensured better results consistently.

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